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Kyiv, Ukraine

Matchmaking Concept

Matchmaking Concept

The matchmaking event provides a quick and efficient way to connect with potential cooperation partners. During the event, international companies can meet with Ukrainian defense industry players to explore collaboration opportunities.

The format is straightforward: registered participants can view others available for meetings and book a 20-minute session. The system assigns a table in a designated area and shares logistics with both parties. While 20 minutes may pass quickly, it is enough time to establish initial connections before moving on to the next meeting.

Steps to Engage in Matchmaking

1) Registration

Ukrainian companies, please register here

International companies, please register here

2) Publish a Business Profile to Showcase Your Needs

Create a clear and concise business profile to raise your visibility on the b2match platform. Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners, and who you want to meet. A good profile will generate significantly more meeting requests.

3) Browse Profiles of Attendees

Go to the companies list to find out who is offering interesting and promising business opportunities.

4) Send & Receive Meeting Requests

Browse published participant profiles and send meeting requests to those you want to meet during the event.

5) Matchmaking Event

Access your meetings in My Agenda or Meetings, where you have your complete schedule for the event and the list of your meetings.

Happy matchmaking!

Kyiv, Ukraine
Organised by